
How to Change Carbon Brushes on the TITAN TTL758CHN Chainsaw


How to Change Carbon Brushes on the TITAN TTL758CHN Chainsaw

We now stock replacement carbon brushes for the Titan TTL758CHN Chainsaw online here. How to Change the Brushes of the TITAN TTL758CHN Chainsaw Here are the steps you need to take to replace the brushes in this chainsaw. Step 1: Unscrew the Motor Housing Step 2: Unscrew the Top Screw Until Loose, and Unclip the Space Connector Step 3: Push Down To Release Step 4: Carefully Prise Open 2 Lugs Remember we stock replacement brushes for this model of chainsaw here. And you can shop all carbon brushes online here.

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What Do The Numbers on Carbon Brushes Mean?


What Do The Numbers on Carbon Brushes Mean?

The numbers found on carbon brushes (printed and engraved) can mean various different things, but usually they will identify the composition or batch number for the material. Each supplier label their own brushes differently so they can mean almost anything, and each tool can have a different type of brush. How to find the right carbon brush for your tool? The best way to find the correct carbon brush for your tool, is to search our site for the tool you own. We have matched all of our brushes against the specific tool models that they work with, so you...

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How to maintain your power tools


How to maintain your power tools

When you’ve bought an expensive power tool, you want it to last a long time, so taking some time to regularly maintain it will save you money in the long run. Here are some regular checks and maintenance jobs you should be doing to keep your power tool in tip top condition. Cleaning After each use of your power tool you should be cleaning it thoroughly. Wait for it to cool down, then wipe down the outside using a damp cloth. The inside can be cleaned using compressed air to remove any dirt or grit. This is far more effective...

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